Thursday, November 12, 2009

Frustrated With Ease

Most of us live in such relative ease. Yes, there are pressures and the ravages of sin that invade our lives. But other than illness, most of us have never had to fight for our very lives: For shelter from the elements, for our next meal or adequate clothing, for safety from people who want to kill us because we're an enemy due to culture or faith. And in all this we often only long for more ease, a better address, and more food. Fast! Now! Super-sized! We chase the latest fashions as if our "lives” depend on them, instead of just our pride. And all around the world - and in the US as well - people are fighting, and fleeing, and festering in places where they have no hope. No hope of physical safety. No hope of emotional safety. No hope of spiritual safety.

As Christians the word tells us that we have everything we need for life and godliness through our knowledge of Jesus Christ (2 Pet.1:3) Do we believe that? Even in our country most of us have such room to breath - physically, emotionally, and spiritually. But often all we want is more air for ourselves; more ease for ourselves. More, more, more! Do we let God's riches fill our every need? Really soak them in and allow them to satiate us with wonder, thankfulness, and a deep satisfaction of heart, mind, and soul? Do we let His truth define our need? Or do we surround ourselves with people and props and playthings so that we can somehow declare "I don't need you God! All these things are filling me. And, by the way, can I have more?”

In Christ we have been set free from the bondage of sin, and we are heirs with Him of all the riches of heaven. This is amazing! It is not “blah, blah, blah.” It is amazing! It is enough! It is all we need! Everything else of blessing is ‘gravy’.

Filled with this knowledge and literally filled with Your life, send us out, Lord! Let us be willing to be sent, to give ourselves away, to be broken, to be poured out. Help us to live lives that ease suffering and despair; that “preach good news to the poor…proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight to the blind (and) release the oppressed” (Luke 4:18). Let us “throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us.” (Hebrew 12:1)

Lord, You promise to fill us with everything we need for body and soul. Will you also fill our hearts with love and gratitude and grace enough to overflow through our lives and our prayers upon a weary world. We need more of You. Not to hoard for ourselves as we huddle in heavenly entitlement, but to ease pain, to lift up, to breath hope into lives far and near.

Will You start with me?

Monday, October 5, 2009

My written to LaVella Mae

This is just a few slivers of memories. I realized after I wrote it on a whim to LaVella, that I wanted to keep it, just like I want to keep my sister - forever. So I dedicate this to my beautiful sister, Michele. (10.05.09) 

"When I was little, I was Batman and my sister was Robin, even though she was just a baby. We did everything together. Dolls, Play Doh, Barbis, making fake fingernails with Elmer's glue (yes, we did). 

As we grew, she discovered that it was very easy to hide from me and scare me to death - hiding around a corner when I got up at night to go to the bathroom, sneaking up real close to my face as we lay in the dark talking, causing me terror at every turn. (Well, that's an exaggeration, but it sounded cool.) She also never let me borrow her clothes. 

But then we discovered dancing. Not ballet or anything. Just 'rockin' out!' Endless hours were spent with Three dog Night, The Doobies, The Commodores, Earth Wind and Fire...and our endless collection of 45s. Back in the 70s, we had ALL the moves. And she had the Farrah Fawcett haircut. We played softball together - cuz we could throw and hit as good as the boys, football, foos ball, and spent hours laying in the sun (cuz that's what silly girls did in the 70s). 

There’s not much else to say. She never did let me borrow her clothes without a fight. But we were and are sisters to the end. No one else would ever have rocked out to Van Halen in flannel pajamas with me and shared hopes, dreams, and secret loves in the bedroom we shared until high school. Sisters are the best. But I don’t need to tell you that. 

Have a lovely day, LaVella Mae."

Friday, October 2, 2009

Thoughts On Autumn

Autumn reminds me of our life in Christ. 

It is the season of change and anticipation...and preparing to die. With the memory of the life and victory of summer still warm, we rest and revel in the change of seasons; the refreshing coolness that hints of winter. 

Oh winter! So harsh! But also that place where our Father's faithfulness is proved; where all that must, dies. Yet death has no eternal sting for the one who is found in Christ, for He will breathe life into the muck as winter thaws - that awkward time of drab and damp. 

This is where the waiting seems eternal, yet so much is happening in the deep places of soul and soil. Can we wait for it? Will we hope for that new spring and summer yet unseen? And then, not holding too tightly, yield again to autumn?

Autumn is a time of thankfulness for blessing and bounty, and of knowing that we cannot bask in the glories of this life, these works, and these revelations forever. He is always doing a new thing. Autumn is here. We were never meant to live in perpetual summer. 

Only the seed that falls to the ground and dies bears much fruit.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Time To Go

If life had a pause button, I would sit outside and breath in the sweet smells of falling leaves, and falling tears, and passing years...and I would speak to God of blessings and burdens and fears. I would press into my Father's heart till the beat of love and perfection filled every empty place of soul; a rhythm that would right every thought...and I would linger. 

Abiding there for a time is good, but how easy to long for that pause, like an idol. The ease of sitting; an idleness that seems part of the inheritance, but turns to counterfeit rest. So we must always go, He and I, from this quiet place. For there are works and words ordained for this day. His thoughts in my mind. His finger on play.