Thursday, September 6, 2012

Why do I write?

I've been writing a lot lately, so I've also been reading much - including blogs. Author Beth K. Vogt recently posed a question on her blog In Other's Words that stopped whatever brain journey I'd been on and beckoned me to rest and stew a bit:

"Why do you write?"

    Well, I write because... ", delete that." 
I write to... "No, that's not it either."

So, I let the question simmer overnight. Slow-cooking makes things tender ...including my heart sometimes. 
Awakened much earlier than usual, I was drawn to the old blue sofa and tattered leather-bound Book...John, Job, the Psalms. Words that spoke. Even white steaming mug sat neglected as I searched for fresh bread instead. 
Satisfied, I heard the call of lonely keys and found the hard black bench as comforting as old sofa once the songs began to rise. Melody after melody...lyrics praising and echoing the Word spoken just moments before. 

Heart, and aging hands, finally paused. I returned to nubby worn cushions...and yesterday's question:
Why do I write?

I write because I see life as story and feel breeze as poem. Whether tragedy, comedy, wee tale, or grand epic...eyes close and I breathe…and long to paint with words what my heart and spirit sees.

I write because the Lord breathes new life into me everyday and I need to share the air…precious truths, spacious places of rest, grace that heals. My cup runneth over…and finds home on lined canvas.
And until recently I hadn’t dared to dream that I could be a painter.

Many days it seems only folly, for next to His words mine are so tiny, His thoughts so far above my own. But He reassures that when the Spirit fills they can bear truth to challenge, encourage, or give laughter to a heavy heart. 

I know full well that words should not be scattered I labor over my letter-painted pictures. Praying and waiting. Listening and looking...and looking again. 

Where it all leads, only the Lord knows. But as long as He gives fresh bread for breaking and seeds to be sown...I will write. 

* * * * * * * 

We're not all called to write, but if you're following Jesus earnestly, you are being equipped with fresh bread and seeds to be sown. 

  • How are you sharing what you've been given and sowing into the lives around you? 


  1. Ah, your post brought a smile to my lips and a bit of a mist to my eyes ... Especially liked how you wrote how you long to paint with words what your heart and spirit sees.

    1. Thank you, Beth. You're encouragement has been that good nudging that is well-placed and perfectly timed...kind of like my friend Heather finally getting me to join her book club. (smile) I hope to be a faithful painter.

  2. Ditto with Beth. I had the same response as I read. What a perfect description of a writer's soul infused by the Spirit. Just the description brought something of a sweet breeze over my own heart. I love that. It encourages and further inspires me.

    I'm really hoping for further breakthrough in my life, particularly in this area. God is doing new things, and I feel as though on a horizon. I want to be used, and yet I know that I am so weak when it comes to getting centered and focused, particularly on the important things in life. I'm aching to hear from Jesus about these things--to be further infused by His Spirit for the things He has given me to do and the ministry He would seek through me. Needing prayer in this because I'm so easily distracted by the menial. But for some reason, I found myself encouraged out of nowhere tonight. And this post just added to the already seeping joy.

    Thank you for sharing, Mom. <3

    1. Oh, Monica, this is so sweet. Don't be too discouraged over your weakness. God will often use you most in that place where He is your only strength. It blesses me to know that the Lord used these words to speak to you, and I truly smile to hear how, in your earnest seeking, He is encouraging you "out of nowhere." I love you, dear daughter...more than words can say.

  3. Replies
    1. Thank you, Heather. You have no idea how often your words have encouraged me.


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