Wednesday, July 14, 2010


Is it weird to be wide awake at 3:39am? I think it's weird. I don't work a graveyard shift. I don't have small children. I didn't have caffeine before bed. 

Jillian, awakened for the usual pregnancy pit stop, was beckoned by the light and squinting weirdly, said, "Why are you still up?" I explained how I had gone to bed, couldn't sleep and had gotten back up hoping to recapture my earlier fatigue. "Oh....(weird)." Now it's quiet again except for the whirring of a distant bedroom fan. Even the water softener that screeched into action earlier has gone back into hibernation. And here I sit prattling on and on about not sleeping.

So what is it really that keeps the brain awake when the body is aching for sleep? I should ask my son. He thinks brains are fascinating. He also gets insomnia too. *Ha* To have just typed, "He also gets insomnia too" is weird as well, and is at least some evidence of my state of sleep deprivation. 

Now, I have done my share of interceding during these late-night episodes, so I do know that they can have some redeeming value. But tonight, though I could and might do just that, I'm still thinking that it's weird. When my husband asks me tomorrow...well, later, "What time did you come to bed?" I'll explain it all again, insert the requested data, and get that look from him again that says, "You're weird." 

I am weird. This has been pretty well established through various non-scientific means and there are many credible witnesses. But I would love a world where I could be weird in normal ways, during normal business hours. I'm tired of being the Walgreen's of Weirdness.

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