As we sat on the sofa listening to Heather give us her update on speaker phone in a raspy, congested, "I'm too sick to come today" voice, I had a growing sense of deep thankfulness for what these women have meant to me over the many years of seasons. Even as she spoke I thought, "I cannot even fathom where I'd be and who I'd be without them." If "aged to perfection" is even a possibility, I would say that this describes our deep sisterhood in Christ. Though we are far from perfect, our friendship has taken on a beauty that only comes with the seasoning of those seasons; enduring with one another through countless trials and rejoicing together as we've witnessed God's miraculous hand weaving the threads of our lives into a garment of praise.
Little did we know well over 15 years ago that a group of women gathered to pray for our kids and Linwood Elementary would be the catalyst for such an enduring friendship. We were a Moms In Touch prayer group led by another wonderful woman who felt God's call to this ministry. Every Thursday morning from September to June we would meet to encourage one another in prayer and to testify to God's answers for our children, our families, and our school. As time went on and our kids began to leave for middle school, high school, home school, and college, we morphed from the official Moms In Touch to a more informal moms in prayer. Many women came and went over the years, each a blessing and dearly loved. There are three of us left from that original group - Diana, Heather, and me. I affectionately call us the Thursday Moms.
These woman have walked with me through almost two decades of raising my small children, behavior issues, illnesses, attitudes and rebellion (my kids' and mine), head lice (ugh!), depression, grief, marriage issues, the teenage years, schooling choices, mission trips, the dating years, wedding planning, wedding planning, wedding planning (smile)....and now extreme empty nesting. They have been so patient and wise and faithful. They have pointed me back to God's word countless times and encouraged me with His promises. And, more than words, they have been Jesus' hands and feet of blessing.
This year we "got all crazy" and decided to continue meeting together through the summer. We didn't start out knowing how important this would be, but the Lord knew. Oh how we needed Him this summer! (smile...we always need Him!) Hopes, fears, anguish, quandaries, mountains, marriages, mine fields...and through all these things, desiring to be faithful wives, mothers, friends - faithful servants of our Savior, Jesus. So much more than seeking relief from these looming issues, we desired to respond in the Spirit and in truth; to know Him more deeply and to honor Him in all we did and thought and said. This has been our quest...this summer and throughout the years. No Holy Grail, just holy living. Journeying together through the maze of life, spurring one another on, battling in prayer and in exhortation, lifting one another's arms when the fighting was fierce. And in all this, loving one another.
Ah, yes...loving one another. This was the reason for the deep sense of quiet and peace that came over me as I sat back, shoes off, curled up with steaming coffee mug in the corner of comfy green sofa. We'd prayed for Heather and settled in to continue our morning of fellowship and it dawned on me. Gazing at my lovely friend with the rich golden hues outside reflecting the changing seasons of this place and of our lives, I realized that this was where I had always known I could be myself. I am loved here. These women have graced me with the ministry of listening...not just hearing, but listening. Such a gift! They know me so well and they have allowed me to know them. We have confessed our sins to one another, shared joys and fears, cried together, laughed together, invested in the Kingdom and in one another...together. What a treasure we share in Christ and in the wonder of womanhood, lived together as friends. Let the seasons change! We have one another and we have Christ. Oh, how I love you Jesus and how I love these sweet, sweet sisters! Thank you for my precious Thursday Moms!