Saturday, August 13, 2011

Crying Out...and Heard

For those who read Crying Out, I feel I must let you know the the Lord has answered. He always does in His perfect way. He is so good. I can never tire of writing that! He is so good! Always! (smile) And His answer did not come dramatically or audibly or by heaven-gram. It came the way it most often does. His truth as I opened His word and, truly, as written by others as I sat browsing through my Facebook newsfeed. His truth that I was prompted to share with others in their struggles. His truth that I have hidden in my heart through these years of seeking Him. 

I once was faced with a friend's heart wrenching pain as she walked through a blinding storm with her family. Fear real. Hopes dashed. Heart on the floor in a pool of tears. I reminded her of the years we had spent in Bible study together. Digging deep into God's word and letting it dig deep into us. For seven years we had stored away treasures of truth as we mined the riches of Romans, Hebrews, James, the letters to Peter, Isaiah, the Psalms, Acts, Revelation...and on and on. God knew that she would need all of that treasure store to walk the path that was to come. Because of this pain that He knew would come, He had equipped her with the truth of His unchanging character, His immeasurable power, His precious promises, of His unwavering love for her. I reminded her that she needed to fight to cling to the truth, to His goodness despite the storm, and to not give in to the enemy's taunting of "did God really say?" And I fought with her that day, over the phone, as we prayed fervent prayers to the God who saves! I can joyfully report to you that our prayers, and her anguished months and years of crying out, were also answered. Jesus won...even though there were many more nights and days of storm and battle. His truth prevailed in her heart and in her family.  

And God knew that I would need all of that truth to walk the winding road of all that has come, and is coming. How grateful I am that He longs to pour out the power of the Holy Spirit and the riches of spiritual blessing on those who seek Him. How humbled I am that He is faithful when I am all too often so ridiculously fainthearted. He never says, "Really?! You again?! When will you ever learn?" No. His mercies are new every morning. His love is steadfast. He is the tender Good Shepherd that carries me close to His heart when my heart, and my legs, fail me. And I know that many of you were praying for me this week that His truth would prevail. 

Thank you, precious Savior, for salvation and for your truth that is always the solid Rock on which I stand, even when I am feeling dizzy. Thank you for preparation and equipping. Thank you for my brothers and sisters, the body of Christ, that help me fight the good fight. Thank you for those you've allowed me to battle alongside. They are so dear! ...We all get weary. We need one another, swords in hand, armor on, fully alert, ready to "keep on praying for all the saints," to encourage, to speak the truth in love... You are my strength, Jesus. Your word is a lamp to my feet. I praise you today! I stand in awe of your goodness! Please continue to equip me to be the warrior sister that I need to be in this age. How I long for your appearing! But until that day, give me legs to stand, a steady mind, and a heart overflowing with Your love! Amen!

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