Saturday, September 17, 2011

Croatia: Oh, and another thing...Part 17

As we drove out to Josepidol in Ivanka's little Chevrolet Spark, I thought of several miscellaneous things that I've yet to mention.

1. As you drive out of town where people have a bit more land, thus small farms, there are small stands - sometimes just a wheelbarrow - with huge 30-40 lb sacks of farm fresh potatoes, or equally large sacks of onions and peppers. Lately we have also begun to see pumpkins. Every little farm sets up these stands to sell their produce. I teased mom that we should take home some potatoes, but then we would have to leave the entire contents of our suitcases behind. Darn that 50 lb weight limit! The potatoes here are delicious. Ogulin is also known throughout the nation for having the best tasting cabbages...just ask anyone here. They will tell you! ;-)

2. Like all of Europe, Croatia is a photographers paradise. Not only are the countryside, mountains, and seaside exptremely picturesque, but the buildings old and new are fascinating. I especially love the old iron gates and fences and the abundance of weathered stucco everywhere. Most of the homes are left the natural soft beige color, but every now and then you'll see soft melon, pistaccchio, lime green...I even saw one daring home dressed in bright orange and yellow. Sometimes you just have to stand out in the crowd! And on every road of homes we pass in every town that we've visited are cascading window boxes of red geraniums. Sometimes an entire balconey is lined with them. I especially loved all the shuttered windows in Krk that were always wide open with a tumble of red flowers falling down the face of the buildings. It is pretty much "charming" overload. I never tire of seeing all the flowers as we drive or walk around.

3. And there are bikes! Bikes everywhere! Especially the old vintage style. So many people ride...young and old. One day I saw a lovely young woman riding toward us with a basket full of flowers attached to the front of the handle bars. She was wearing a dress, of course, and I immediately thought of Mandy Carlon. :) It is especially fun to watch the little old men ride around all day here in Ogulin. Ivanka's sister Seneca has one that is kelly green with double baskets on the rear wheel. So cute!

4. It has been very entertaining to see all the different automobiles here in Croatia. By far the majority are very small compact least 9 of 10. I have seen only three pickups here in Ogulin, and just a few SUV types. Gas is expensive here and most of the vehicles are deisel, which is cheaper. As I mentioned earlier, Ivanka drives a Chevrolet Spark. I did not know such a car exhisited. Darko drives a Skoda Fabia. I have seen numerous Renaults, BMWs, well as VWs, Hyundais, Fords, and Toyotas. The greatest majority have been European models, though. Tea has a bright yellow Peugot sub compact that has sliding doors like a mini van. It is a tiny car, but the doors are perfect for her husband Hrvoje who is permanently disabled from an automobile accident. (Considering that he was in a coma for weeks and had a great deal of spinal cord swelling, it is a miracle that he has perfect brain function, can speak flawlessly, and only deals with some permanent nerve damage to his right arm, hand, and leg. He is one of the most upbeat people I have ever met, though. Extremely kind and sensitive and not a bit self-conscious about his disablilities. He rides a bike everyday and works out to keep his body as strong as possible.)

I also have an update from our visit to St. Josephs. Father Peter had indeed located many of the records from my mothers grandparents and her aunts and uncles. He had typed out a chart showing names, birthdates, wedding dates, and death dates. He did not have these complete records for everyone, but it is much more information than we had before. He also made photocopies of the original church log entries for those family members. This is what she had been hoping for. Mission accomplished!

We also got to go see Marica before mass. She, of course, filled us with cakes and freshly picked grapes. I asked Ivanka to tell her what an honor it had been for me to meet her and how much I had enjoyed my time in Croatia. It was hard to hold back the tears knowing that even if I do get to return to this lovely place, she may not be here. I pray that I will get to come back, and that she will still be there leaning on her canes with her twinkling eyes and welcoming smile. My mother says that she is so much like my grandmother...It gives me "leaky eyes" just to think of that. I have come as close as I ever will to knowing my grandmother in the tiny little kitchen of precious Marica. As I hugged her goodbye it was hard to let go...

Alas, everything is making me cry today. That's ok. I have been gone from home for three weeks. I miss my family terribly and my heart is full of love and memories from this amazing journey to the land of my mother's family.

Perhaps this is all I have to say about that...but you never know. It seems that I am always remembering something new that I've forgotten to write down. For now I will say good night...laku noć.


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