Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Croatia: A Parade!...Part 11

Oh my! Where to start? It is not even noon here and already we have done so much! Just outside our hotel there was a ceremony to kick off the Ogulin festival day. As I mentioned in my last post, they are celebrating 511 years as a city. There was a dedication at a monument that is near the hotel and the castle. Large flower wreaths were brought forward by government officials, members of the military, and both the police & fire departments. Guards dressed in very old, traditional military uniforms stood on either side as the wreaths were brought forward. Darko took pictures of us with the guards.

Before the "parade" began, we took time for a cappuccino. Then we had a real treat! Just up from our hotel on every Wednesday there is a huge open market. All kinds of fresh produce and meats were being sold, as well as many vendors with clothing, shoes, bags, and household items. The prices were very good. Darko gave us a taste of fresh dried figs and we later went back to get a small bag to keep for snacks in our room. (In Melinska we had also enjoyed fresh figs that grew on a large tree near the balconey of Nada's house. So delicious!) Mom found a nice black top for 80 kuna, which is the equivalent of $16. She also found two nice scarves for $4 each. The town is very crowded today because of the celebration and because it is market day.

Though it had been only an hour, Darko wanted to go have coffee again at Stari Grad - which he calls his "office." We could see the procession organizing across the park near the church. There were city and Croatian government officials, members from the local villages as well as parts of Ogulin marching with banners from their towns, police officers, military members, men from the fire department, young people dressed in traditional Croatian clothing, school children, and priests from the church all in the procession. After our coffee we walked toward the street and waited for the processioin. It went past us and through the park back to the church. A band from the fire department played a traditional Croatian song, and later as they marched toward the church I heard the tune of The Battle Hymn of the Republic. A group of older ladies in the procession sang along...we could recognize only the words "glory, glory hallelujah...glory, glory hallelujah" so we sang along with them on that part. There was a special mass to be said afterward which we did not attend. What a treat to get to be here for this celebration. I can hear the church bells ringing away even as I type.

Having seen a few things at the children's store yesterday, mom and I left Darko to do a bit more shopping. "Great Grandma" had something in mind for Cadence and it was still there. We also talked with the woman working in the shop and one of the customers who was there with her one month old son, Noah. It is fun when we have a chance to visit with those who live here. It makes our stay much more personal. We have also come to enjoy many of the young women who work in the restaurant and caffe bar here at the hotel. Everyone in Ogulin seems to know Darko, so that opens many doors for us, though I have found the service here to be very polite everywhere. Even last night when the computer shut down on me, the hotel employee set me up on the main desktop computer in the reception area until she could get the laptop working again. They are very accomodating and relaxed here. It is a small hotel, though very nice and quite often the man who works the desk during the day is down having coffee with the hotel owner or other friends from the town. It is easy to make ourselves at home here.

I spoke to an American couple who arrived last night. (I had to send them down to the bar to find the reception clerk:) We saw them again at breakfast. They are in the Army and stationed in Germany. I am not sure if they are both active duty or not, but the woman's grandmother is also from Croatia, in the east near Osijek. I hope we will see them again before they leave. I will recommend that they visit the coast if that is not already in their plan. We've been here long enough that I feel like I can be a partial tour guide. :)

We will rest for a bit since it is very hot outside again, then go with Darko later to visit Darko's Aunt Marica. When we saw her a week and a half ago she said she wanted to bake us a cake. We were originally going there yesterday, but our plans changed. Today we will eat a light lunch and save room for cake. Darko is going to be watching a big soccer game on TV tonight, so we will be on our own for the evening.

That is all for now. It has been a fun and festive day so far.

Love & doviđenja,

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